The Ultimate Guide on Breast Implant and Its Types

Deciding to undergo breast augmentation is truly your matter. Women have lots of reasons to choose for breast enhancement. One might want to have an attractive silhouette, while the other wants to get the pre-pregnancy body through the process of Mommy Makeover. Whatever the reasons you have, you will feel good to hear that the breast augmentation surgery is one of the popular surgical procedures that provide almost 99% satisfaction rate.

Consulting with the plastic surgeon will help you to achieve the sense of femininity and also help to regain confidence. However, before finalising for the whole surgery, it is essential to know about the process involved in breast surgery, the type of implants used and also their placements.

Choosing the best breast implants for you is a big decision to accomplish the perfect results. All the implants available are good and safe.

In this article, you will come to know about the types of implants available, so that you can have an idea regarding which implant is best for you.


What Are The Best Breast Implant Types?

There is no perfect type for the breast implant. What looks great in you may not look good on others. It is why almost all the plastic surgeons recommend the face-to-face consultation for clear ideas. It is always important to take the opinion and recommendations from the surgeon based on your body requirement. There are mainly three types of implants available, the regular silicone gel implant, the highly cohesive silicone implants and the saline implant.

  • Regular Silicone Gel Implants

The silicone implants are filled with the silicone gel. The silicone implants are usually FDA approved for breast augmentation surgery in women who are above the age of 20. The benefits of silicone gel implants-

  1. The Regular Silicone Implants Are Softest And Provide A Natural Feeling When Inserted.
  2. In This Case, Rippling Is Less Likely To Happen When Compared To The Saline Implants.
  3. They Are One Of The Commonly Used Implants To Provide A Natural Look.
  • Highly Cohesive Implants

The highly cohesive implants are filled with the highly cohesive gel that is a little bit thicker and firmer than the normal implants. The benefits of these implants include-

  1. They Provide Long-Term Performance With Less Risk Of Rupture And Capsular Contraction
  2. They Are Available In Both Round And Teardrop Shape.
  3. They Maintain A Better Long-Lasting Shape For Enhanced Projection.


  • Saline Breast Implants

The saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater. This implant is best for those who do not like to have silicone implants. The benefits of using the saline implants are-

  1. Saline Implants Are Affordable Than Other Varieties
  2. The Implant Rupture Is Easy To Detect
  3. A Small Incision Can Be Made To Insert These Implant
  4. Can produce better pole fullness and projection

These are the three types of implants available. You must consult with the plastic surgeon before choosing the perfect implant or you. Whether you opt for liposuction or breast augmentation, it is always better to consult with the surgeon who is experienced and highly skilled in this field.