
Go for Nose Surgery to Get Rid of Breathing Problems

Nose is one of the most important features in your face. An improper shaped and sized nose can affect your entire facial appearance. Unfortunately, not everyone comes to the earth with perfect nasal shape. If you have similar circumstabces, you must know how irritating it feels.

The good news is, you don’t have to live with a long or small sized nose. You can treat it with rhinoplasty or nose surgery. This plastic surgery treatment mainly serves cosmetic purposes. It can also treat specific health issues like breathing problems.

The Procedure in a Nutshell

Rhinoplasty aims to reshape your nose by the process of decreasing or increasing its size, narrowing nostril span, changing your bridge or tip, removing the existing hump, and making a change of the angle between your upper lip and nose.

People unsatisfied with the appearance of their nose, usually opt for this treatment. Moreover, people who have breathing issues due to the hump inside this part may also undergo this operation.

Consultation with the Surgeon is a Must

Before undergoing this surgery, you should consult a professional and experienced plastic surgeon. During your consultation with the physician, do not forget to tell him or her about your expectations from this treatment. Post-consultation, the surgeon will understand whether you are an ideal candidate or not. Here are the things, you should know from your cosmetic surgeon

• His or his qualifications
• His or her experience and track records
• The surgical treatment he/she follows
• Recovery and expected result from him/her

Duration of the Operation and Recovery

The surgery takes about 1 to 2 hours. The duration of the same depends on how complicated your case is. When it is related with the recovery, you can expect to get back to work within 15 days after the operation. For doing more strenuous activities, you need to wait for a little longer. And it takes around three weeks post-operatio to start performing strenuous activities. For better result and rapid recovery, you should not hit the nose or sunburn for nearly two weeks. You will get the final result about a year after nose job.

Post-Operative Stage

During the post-operative stage, you can have the following side effects- temporary swelling, headache, bruising around your eyes and nose, stuffiness, and bleeding. It is not like that every patient will have all these side effects. It varies from patient to patient. Most importantly, all these side effects are temporary, and they can be treated with certain medicines.

Expected Result

After this treatment, you can expect a proper sized and symmetrical nose. Your hump will be removed.

So, this is all for now about rhinoplasty. If you have further queries about the nose job and other cosmetic treatments, like breast surgery you can book an appointment and consult a highly trained plastic surgeon. You may also browse internet to get useful information through leading journals and blogs.