Rhinoplasty Beginner’s Guide 101: Vital Things to Know

Rhinoplasty, which aims at making a nose aesthetically appealing by modifying the cartilage, is considered one of the most popular cosmetic treatments available in recent times. People opt for rhinoplasty to address sports injuries, cure breathing troubles and congenital deformities, or because they are simply not happy with the overall appearance of their nose. To know more, please check out the given discussion.

What Changes Rhinoplasty Bring?

The possible changes that rhinoplasty makes to a nose are as follows:

  • A change in the angle
  • A change in the size
  • Reshaping of the bridge
  • Straightening of the tip
  • Contraction of the nostrils

If you are planning on getting a rhinoplasty just to look attractive, wait until the nasal bone has fully developed. For the girls, the age is 15 years and more. The boys may need a tad bit more time. However, if your motive is to breathe better, age is not really a factor.

How to Prepare for Rhinoplasty?

The experts carrying out nose surgery Cape Town said, during the initial consultation, the patients must clear all their doubts and sign on the dotted line with realistic expectations.

An appointed surgeon thoroughly checks your physical health and asks what kind of medications you are consuming and the conditions you are suffering from. If a person has hemophilia, a disease that causes abnormal bleeding, a surgeon votes against any sort of elective surgery.

You can also get other procedures done at the same time. Many people go for chin augmentation. Avoid painkillers, alcohol, and smoking at least two weeks before the final appointment because they cause complications during the recovery.

How to Recover from Rhinoplasty?

After rhinoplasty, a surgeon places a metal or plastic splint on the nose, which allows to hold onto the brand-new shape while the insides are healing. Nasal packs are often placed for stabilizing the septum. To reduce the inflammation and bleeding, please keep your head in an elevated position and apply ice cubes after every two hours.

Impaired judgment, memory lapse, and slow response are a few immediate reactions of rhinoplasty. Ask a friend or family member to stay with you the day after the surgery.

Avoid the following under all circumstances:

  • Swimming
  • Indulging in strenuous workout sessions, which include running and lifting weights
  • Excessive chewing
  • Wearing spectacles
  • Blowing nose
  • Pulling clothes over the head
  • Crying, laughing, and practicing facial expressions that need lots of movement.
  • Brushing teeth vigorously

To get rhinoplasty done, schedule an appointment with a board-certified practitioner. The ones performing plastic surgery Cape Town manage to drive abundant traffic every year probably because they are aware of the latest trends, adhere to the globally acknowledged safety protocols, and leave no stone unturned when to comes to generating an agreeable patient experience.

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